Outdoor Gear Repair Consulting
Reach Out if You Are A DIYer that needs some help
We apologize for not currently being able to do repairs. We also know that we disappointed community members that have enjoyed this service. We wanted to offer a service where we can walk you through your repairs if you are wanting to take it on yourself. We will also point you in the right direction when it comes to ordering supplies or tools. We will do our best to help.
This will be done on a donation basis or you can buy us a coffee. Please use the contact form below and we will be in touch as soon as we can. Thanks!

Contract Sewing
We work with companies that are in need of small scale manufacturing
Industrial Sewing
Zipper Repairs and Replacement.
Buckles, Snaps, and Grommet Repairs.
Patches of all types.
Just ask and we can probably help you out.
Bring in your ideas. If we can't pull it off, we can point you in the right direction.

Repair Costs
There is a shop minimum of $15
Jacket Repairs-
Slider Replacement
Main Zipper Replacement
Option 1: For $40 we will cut out the old zipper and overlay a new zipper onto the face of the jacket. We don't open any seams for this option.
Option 2: For $60 to $100 (depending on jacket construction) we will open all seams to remove the old zipper. Then we sew in a new zipper. It will look similar to the original construction.
Pocket Zipper Replacement
Patches and Baffle Repairs
$25 and up depending on the amount of work required.
Tent Repairs -
Tent Zipper Replacement
Tent zippers are replaced at $12/ ft
Tent Slider Replacement
$30 per door

Repair Costs
Backpack Repairs -
Slider Replacement
$20-30 for backpacks
Zipper Replacement
Falls under our $60/hr rate. Depends on bag construction.
Sleeping Bag Repairs -
Slider Replacement
$20 for sleeping bags.
Zipper Replacement
Sewn Patches -
$25 and up unless it's a huge repair
Buckle, Grommet, and Snap Replacement -
$12 for the first one then $6 for every other one.
Larger Projects fall under the $60/hr rate.
Custom Services -
We can talk about custom items. Please feel free to run your ideas by me. If I can't do it I can point you in the right direction. All custom orders will fall under the shop hourly rate of $60/hr.
Thank You!
10% Veterans Discount
Giving Your Gear Another Life And Helping You With Your Contract Sewing Needs
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San Juan Sewing, is a small outdoor gear repair/contract sewing operation located in Durango, Colorado. We have the skills and knowledge to have your favorite outdoor gear back in working order and to help you grow your business with your contract sewing needs. Sometimes your gear just needs a little love. We hope to hear from you with questions or gear repair needs. We hope to create a new trend of re-use and repair. We have worked with companies such as Bedrock Bags, Alpacka Rafts, Topper Tent, Down River Equipment/4Corners River Sports. Thank You!!

Meet the Team

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday